Albert Einstein

Einstein theory of relativity brought revolution in the field of physics

Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 - 18 April 1955) is reckoned to be the most influential and one of the most outstanding scientists of all time because of his significant landmark theory of relativity which gave the idea of a time machine that traveled in the past or future is possible at the speed of light. 

The famous equation E=mc2 showed how to make an atomic bomb, which means that energy into matter and matter into energy can be converted. However, getting electricity from nuclear energy also became possible. The theory of relativity opened a window of infinite opportunities in the form of Quantum Mechanics and because of radio and propagative waves, the phenomenon of numerous galaxies, black holes, and black matter became possible. 

The brain of this genius professor was preserved after his death without the permission of his family. When his brain was examined, his mathematical thinking and spatial center, the inferior parietal lobe was found in an exceptional quantity that receives and coordinates the information.

Academic Journey and Scientific Victories

Albert Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 in Ulm city of Germany at the home of engineer father Hermann Einstein and musician mother Pauline Koch. At the age of 12, he studied Algebra and Geometry with so much interest that he discovered his own Pythagorean Theorem. At the age of 14, he became an expert in Integral and Differential Calculus. He appeared in the entrance examination for Federal Polytechnic School Zurich in 1896 and got outstanding marks in Physics and Math. 

He did his B.A. from there in1900 and completed his Ph.D. from the University of Zurich in 1905. He began his scientific career at Bern University in 1908. On the successful lecture on electrodynamics and relativity principles, he was appointed associate professor of theoretical physics at the University of Zurich in 1909 and became a professor at the Charles University of Prague in 1911. 

Einstein Noble Prize in physics. He was genius especially in Mathematics.

Besides, he also delivered lectures at various universities and institutions. In 1915, when he published his theory of relativity, the British renowned newspaper The Times printed the headline, "Revolution in Science - New Theory of the Universe - Newtonian Ideas Overthrown". Einstein was awarded the Noble Prize in physics for the discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect in 1921.

Scientific Career and Intellectual Ideas

The scientific career of Einstein comprises 300 scientific theses and 150 unscientific theses whereas universities and archives introduced Einstein's Papers consisting of thirty thousand unique documents on 5 December 2014.

In the history of science, the name Einstein is included in the list of genii and most influential scientists. Einstein once expressed his intellectual thoughts by saying, "I believe in democratic independence and democratic system among human beings". Avoiding hero worship, individual intelligence should be promoted. There are a lot of educational institutions but prestigious and efficient teachers are lacking. Thirst for the truth and justice is less but lust is abundant. Every person should be allowed to judge things and decisions in the light of his own faith. Intellectual work and research should be promoted. The health of society depends on personnel. Unquestioning acceptance should be avoided. Make the loneliness friend for research and make the book companion for imagination.

Love for Science, Literature, and Music

He is walking in the park with his wife.

Einstein once said that science was lame without religion, ethics, and literature. He was the owner of mathematical and imaginative intelligence. His appearance of whimsical disposition and scatter hair remained a subject of comedy, entertainment, and cartoons. More than 100 books have been written on his sayings and work. He is still a riddle. Very few people claim to know his relativity universe. He spent his boyhood listening to the music of Bach, Mozart, and Schubert, playing violin, and reading the novels of James Joyce.

He was not an atheist but liked to call himself agnostic. He said, "a child does not know which book when and who wrote in this vast library of the universe?" He remained a part of the struggle for peace and love throughout his life.

American Citizenship and Demise

Einstein went to America in 1933. His return became difficult as Germany came under the rule of Hilter. In 1940, he accepted American Citizenship in New Jersey. He remained affiliated with the Institution of Advanced Study till his death. He was pro-socialist and anti-capitalist. He never believed in life after death. He remained under treatment at Princeton University due to internal bleeding. He refused surgery and said, "it is better to die than prolonged artificial life. Now it is time to go. I should say farewell to life in a prestigious way". He passed away at the age of 76 and his brain was preserved for neuroscience research.

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