Richard Feynman said in 1960 that if you want to understand how nature works, you have to make matter on the quantum length scale. You will have to change the matter on the quantum scale. This is an engineering and technical challenge, but besides this, it is also a computing challenge.
Such chips will be manufactured that will work on a quantum level shortly. They will work on the nanoscale. A team from the University of New South Wales with the collaboration of Silicon Computing has manufactured the first quantum computing integrated circuit (IC). After that, they manufactured the first Quantum Computing Chip in their laboratory. We know about the integrated circuit. It is a minor component made of semiconductor-based electronic devices which consists of transistors, diodes, resistors or capacitors, etc. With the help of these integrated circuits, we design different computers and computing devices and with the help of them, we do big computations.
There is a world record holder supercomputer. This is the second biggest supercomputer in the world which is called Summit Supercomputer. The Summit Supercomputer performed a calculation in the recent past that broke the record of all previous calculations in the world. This calculation was done in the Oak Ridge Lab. This supercomputer used 27,600 GPUs to calculate the interaction of one protein in 11 minutes. Interactions inside a simple protein were simulated. There were 45,000 atoms and 180,000 electrons in this protein. For this calculation, we used the world's second-biggest supercomputer called the "Summit Supercomputer".
Chips will process at the atomic level in quantum computing and will simulate the behavior of molecules. Anayloge quantum processors will be used. So the first quantum IC has been manufactured which is considered a milestone in quantum computing and will develop exponentially and leave classical computers behind. It will simulate organic and inorganic molecules.
The first transistor was manufactured in 1947 while the first IC was manufactured in 1958. The first Quantum Transistor was manufactured in 2012 and now they have manufactured the Quantum IC in 2021. We will move with great speed toward the production of great quantum computers, in which pure quantum chips will be used for better research and advancement in every field as well as in space technology. It is a small discovery but its impact will be great in the future.